Yummy Gummy
The Very Limited
Mickey Morphic
Exclusive Collection
Please note: These are handmade, wearable art pieces. They are one of a kind and only 9 bags will exist in the foreseeable future. Even if another run is made, color combinations will remain unique because colors are hand dyed and made to be unique from each other. You may see some bubbles or streaks in some of the hand-dyed bear pieces. This shows they are hand-made, non-factory produced, original art (and will be clearly shown in the product pictures for you to see). If you see something you love, you better scoop it up because you will never see the same design anywhere again <3
Click images below to see individual item prices and more product images
or buy the whole color set for a slight discount
To Place an Order, Send Message to
or email mickeymorphic@gmail.com
*Will be sold on first come, first serve basis
and also include WI sales tax and shipping*
Citrus Gummy Set
Quick Collection Price: $125
Sweet Heart Gummy Set
Quick Collection Price: $125
Slime Time Gummy Set
Quick Collection Price: $125